
Add Truss Labels and Generate Drawings

You can use this function to add labels to trusses and to generate the truss drawings. The viewing directions of trusses are marked with arrows on the layout drawing.

The truss drawing is based on the selected template drawing. The locations and sizes of the views and schedules to be added to the truss drawing are defined in the template drawing. The default scale of the view is determined by the size in which it fits into the view area.

  1. Select one or more trusses.
  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select Generate Part Numbers.
  4. Select a template drawing in the dialog box. The suitable template drawings are highlighted in blue in the dialog box. One of the suitable template drawings is selected by default.

    Panel Template Drawings Dialog Box

  5. Confirm by clicking OK.

The program adds the truss labels and generates the truss drawings. The truss parameter Label Type determines the prefix of the label, for example "T". The truss parameters also determine the location of the label in relation to the truss.

The truss drawings are temporarily stored in the Tmp folder in the project directory. Final truss drawings are saved in the Se folder in the project directory when you save the project. Just like with projects, previously saved versions are also kept of the truss drawings. The truss drawings have the same version number as the project. When you close a project, you can select old versions to be deleted and keep only the latest saved version of both the project and the truss drawings.


Select an Object
Saving a Project
Closing a Project
Open a Panel Drawing
Edit Truss Parameters

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