
Profile Hatch Pattern

The profile hatch pattern is defined in the DRAFT keyword group with the keyword profile_hatch. The default setting applies the same hatch pattern to all profiles. The profile hatch pattern of a wood-framed wall panel:

profile_hatch= PIECE.FILL.WD

PIECE.FILL.WD is a hatch the properties of which have been defined in the system settings. The type of the hatch pattern is color fill that is added on the layer 175 by default.

Hatch pattern by profile type

If a wall panel drawing contains several different kinds of profiles, you can choose to apply the hatch pattern to a selected type of profiles only. If you wish to apply the hatch pattern by profile type, add the type number after the hatch pattern name. For example, a hatch pattern for top and bottom plates (types 1, 2) and studs (type 5) only, no hatch pattern for other types:

profile_hatch= PIECE.FILL.WD 1 2 5

Type 0 covers all the other types that are not listed. For example, a hatch pattern PIECE.FILL.A for all studs (type 5) and PIECE.FILL.B for all other parts:

profile_hatch= PIECE.FILL.A 5
profile_hatch= PIECE.FILL.B 0

Hatch pattern layer

The hatch pattern layer is defined with the keyword profile_hatch_autolayer in the DRAFT keyword group. The keyword can have the following values:

Hatch Setup
Adding a Profile Code to a Wall Panel Drawing
Information Displayed in the Wall Panel Drawing
Hatch Properties
Editing Keywords

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