Generate Detail Sheets

Select the details of which you want to create detail sheets in the dialog box.

Dialog Box Options

Template sheet

Select the template sheet to be used from the list. One sample sheet is included with the software. You can create your own template sheets and save them in the ../custom/detbook/sheets folder.

Creating a Template Sheet

When the detail sheets have been generated, the program will save the detail sheets in the project folder. The detail sheets are named so that a sequential number is added at the end of the name of the template sheet used, for example Sheet1.vxp, Sheet2.vxp, etc. When the same template sheet is used the next time to generate sheets, the numbering will continue from the next available number.

Use detail names

When this checkbox is selected, the drawing sheet files are named according to the detail labels. This feature is available, when each detail is collected to a separate drawing sheet.

Overwrite existing sheets and lists

You can delete detail sheets that have been previously generated using the same template sheet from the project directory by selecting the Overwrite existing sheets and lists check box. The numbering of new detail sheets starts from the beginning.

Open sheets for editing

When the check box is selected, the drawing sheets will be opened for editing after collecting the details.

Add sheets to output queue

When the check box is selected, all drawing sheets will be printed one after another. When you select the check box, the Output queue dialog box will be displayed, in which you can define the output settings. You can select the printer from the appropriate list. Use the Properties function to select the sheet size. Define the drawing layers whose elements are to be printed. All the drawings will be printed with the same layer selection. Select the layers to be printed using the Layers to print function in the dialog box.

Output queue

Type the output queue name in the Output queue field. The queue will be saved in the ../user/spool folder. After collecting the details, you can print the queue by selecting File > Other Print Functions > Print Batch.

Generate from: Active drawing

By selecting the Active drawing radio button, you can collect the details from the active 2D drawing only. You can select the detail types by selecting the appropriate check boxes:

Generate from: Active project

By selecting the Active project radio button, you can collect details from all 2D drawings of the active project. You can select the detail types by selecting the appropriate check boxes:

Generate from: Detail book

By selecting the Detail book radio button, you can select the detail books in the field whose details you wish to collect in the detail sheets. If there are books located under the selected detail book, their details will also be collected. When you select the detail book root directory from the field (backslash, \), detail sheets are generated from all detail books.

Generate from: Detail archive

The details are collected from the detail archive in the custom folder. The radio button is available when no project is open. From the list, select the detail archive containing the details you want to be collected into detail sheets. The detail sheets are saved in the ../user/sheets folder.

Add. Detail Collect Path

Select a directory group from which the details will be collected in addition to the project or a detail book from the list. You can utilize this feature when collecting details during option solving. You can use the groups to separate the detail collecting directories of master set and job specific document set.

This feature is available, when the BDSXX keyword group contains the keyword detail_collect_mode = 1, and when

The directory groups are defined in the BDSXX keyword group using the keywords detail_collect_path. The keyword defines a directory or directories where the drawings from which the details are collected are located. For example:

detail_collect_path= PATH(1) directory_path
detail_collect_path= PATH(2) directory_path
detail_collect_path= NEXTPATH(1) directory_path
detail_collect_path= NEXTPATH(2) directory_path

PATH(1), PATH(2), NEXTPATH(1) and NEXTPATH(2) are names of directories. Name the directories so that the directories belonging to the same group have the same prefix (PATH). The number inside parentheses makes the name unique.


Collecting Details And Generating Detail Sheets
Add a Detail
Editing Detail Books
Editing Keywords

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