Search Documents

Define the search criteria for finding documents from the projects in the project archive in the Search Documents dialog box.

Dialog Box Options


You can use one or many of the following parameters as a search criteria:

Parameter Where or how the parameter value has been defined
Customer In the Project Data Card.
Description In the document information.
Type Determined by the document.
Project Was selected when the project was created.
Designer The Architect field in the Project Data Card.
Drawn By In the document information.
Drawing Number In the document information.
Created Date when the file was saved.
File File name depending on the document’s type. Some of the files are named by the system, for example the drawing and model files of the drawing-model pairs. Some of the files you can name yourself when you create the document, for example when you create a new drawing sheet.
Date In the Project Data Card.

Editing the Data Card of the Active Project
Editing the Data Cards of Projects in the Project Archive
Document Information


Click the Value field next to the parameter you want to use as a search term. Select the value of the parameter in one of the following ways:

The search is case-sensitive. Only documents with a parameter containing the exact character string are searched from the document archive.

Type the dates in the following format:

Alternatively you can define the lower and upper limit of the value in the Min and Max fields.

Min, Max

You can also search for documents by defining the lower and upper limit or both of the parameter value. Type the lower limit in the Min field and upper limit in the Max field. For example, you can search for drawing sheets created between certain dates in the following way:

Parameter Value Min Max
Type Drawings on sheet
Created 2004-10-01* 2004-11-30*

You can also define a lower and upper limit for a parameter whose value is a character string. For example, you can search for document from projects whose names begin with certain letters, for example from P to T:

Parameter Value Min Max
Project P* T*

Search/Search more

Click the button to search for documents matching the search criteria. The result is displayed in the Found documents list box. If you are searching from a large document archive, and the program finds a lot of documents matching the search criteria, only the first 2000 of them are displayed. You can search for more documents by clicking the Search more button.


Clear all the search criteria you have defined by clicking the button.


When you select a document in the Found documents list box, the preview image displays the contents of the document. You can switch off the preview image by clearing the Preview check box.

Open mode

Select either of the following as the opening method of the document:

You can only open a document for modification when you are searching for documents from the project archive. If you are searching for documents in another folder in your system, you can only open a document for viewing.

Found documents

When you click the Search button, the documents matching the search criteria are displayed in the list box. If the program finds a lot of documents matching the search criteria, only the first 2000 of them are displayed. You can search for more documents by clicking the Search more button. You can sort the documents by clicking the headers in the list box. When you select a document in the list box, a preview image displays the contents of the document. You can switch off the preview image by clearing the Preview check box.

When a document is selected in the list box, you can open the context-sensitive menu by clicking the right mouse button, and select one of the following functions:

Open the selected document in one of the following ways:

The document is opened for viewing or for editing depending on the opening method selected in the Open mode box.

Searching Documents
Document Information

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