Edit Classifications

You can edit the classifications of building components in the dialog box.

Dialog Box Options


The selected building components are displayed on the list in the top left corner of the dialog box. When you select a row on the list, the matching building component is color highlighted in the drawing-model pair. The classifications of the building component are displayed in the list on the right.

You can select several rows in the Components list by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking. The classifications which are common to all selected building components are displayed in bold on the right-hand list. The other classifications are displayed in regular, grey font.

The following properties are defined for classifications:


You can use this function to select a classification from either the classification database (d_USE) or the classification list tree defined in the DesignStream system (the DesignStream Interface add-on feature).

Select one or more building components in the Components list, and click the Add button. The classification will be added to all building components selected on the list.


You can use this function to add a freeform classification.

Select one or more building components in the Components list, and click the New button. The classification will be added to all building components selected on the list. Define the classification data in the Enter New Classification dialog box:


You can use this function to remove a classification from a building component.

  1. Select one or more building component in the Components list.

  2. Select one or more building classification in the right-hand list.

  3. Click the Remove button.

Setting a Classification

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