General Point Snap Functions

You can snap to a point either by pointing with the cursor or by using general snap functions. These include snapping to a point on a line, to a line, to the intersection of two lines, to the center point of a line, etc. You can select snap functions from the context-sensitive menu or use keyboard commands. The point snap function resets the relative offset coordinates dx,dy,dz to the snap point, i.e., the point becomes the local origin.

Context-sensitive menu > Snap > Keyboard command Function usage
Line Z Move the cursor near the line, and select the snap function.
Point X Move the cursor near the end or corner point of the line and select the snap function.
Center Point C Move the cursor near the line, and select the snap function.
Intersection S Move the cursor near the intersection of lines and select the snap function.
Middle D Select the snap function and select two points.
Surface Shift+M Move the cursor over the surface and select the snap function.
Through Surface W Move the cursor over the surface, which you want to select through. Press the W key until the desired surface becomes selected. Accept the surface by pressing Shift+M.
Arc Center Point Move the cursor near the arc and select the snap function.
Center Point of Plane Surface Move the cursor over the plane surface and select the snap function.

Relative snap

By pressing Shift+the key, you can snap to a point on an object without selecting the point, i.e. so that the relative offset coordinates are not reset. You can reset the offset coordinates after this by pressing the Q key, and, for example, locking the cursor and entering an offset from the point. The following relative snap functions are available:


Snap to Point with the Cursor
General Drawing and Modeling Properties

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