Closed Rounded Polyline

Add a closed polyline by clicking two points at least.

When adding a line, you can use an auxiliary function to mirror a line automatically while drafting. You can use ruler functions, when clicking points of a line.

Accept the clicked points by clicking the middle mouse button, and a line is drawn from the last clicked line point to the start point of a polyline.

If you click two points only, a rectangle is drawn, which corners are rounded. The program will mark the corner points, display the maximum radii and prompt you separately to enter the values of each radius.

  1. Select Lines> Rounded Closed Polyline.
  2. Select the line properties.
  3. Click line points. If you click only two points, a rectangle is drawn.
  4. Accept the points by clicking the middle mouse button.
  5. Enter the values of rounding radii for the corner points.

Line Properties
Automatic Mirroring of a Line
Ruler Functions
Defining Coordinates

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