
SHADER TYPE: Wrapped Bump Map

Wrapped Bump Map is a displacement type where the bump map of a surface is created from a given image file. The dark parts of an image are lower on the surface, and the light parts are higher. The image file is usually duplicated several times on the surface, so particular attention must be paid to the continuity at the edges of the image. 

Parameter: Explanation: Default value: Possible values and comments:
File Name Name of the image file "" jpg, tiff, targa, bmp, lwi files: as a default, the program searches for the file in the lw directory.
Amplitude Maximum height factor of the roughness   The higher the value, the more the differences in height are emphasised. Values below zero will cause the bump map to invert, i.e. the low areas rise and vice versa.


wrbump1.gif (28058 bytes)
Part of an image file
wrbump2.gif (11596 bytes)
The surface at an amplitude of 0.03
wrbump3.gif (17239 bytes)
The surface at an amplitude of 0.1
wrbump4.gif (20294 bytes)
The surface at an amplitude of -0.1
wrbump5.gif (19099 bytes)
Image file
wrbump6.gif (13239 bytes)
The surface at an amplitude of 0.06
wrbump7.gif (16519 bytes)
The surface at an amplitude of 0.15
wrbump4.gif (20857 bytes)
The surface at an amplitude of -0.1

Wrapped Old Bump Map

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