NC Link

Creating Transfer Files

To create transfer files, select the production line type from the NC menu in the menu bar, for example NC > Weinmann link. This function opens the Create Transfer Files dialog box. The dialog box list shows the panels collected from the model. The panel information is displayed in the columns. The displayed information is customer-specific. It may include Label, Description, Length, Height, Thickness, Group and Status. Status indicates whether the panel drawing exists or whether it should be updated. If a transfer file already exists, its name is displayed in the Files column.

Select Panels

Transfer files are created from those panels whose check box has been selected . You can select panels in the following ways:

You can unselect panels in the following ways:

Set Printing Text to Profiles on/off

By default, the profile label is printed to the profile. If necessary, you can select the printing on or off as follows:

  1. Click the Settings button. The Writer Settings dialog box opens.
  2. Do either of the following:
  3. Confirm by clicking OK.

Create Transfer Files

Create the transfer files as follows:

  1. Select the panels as described above. Select Panels.
  2. Click the Write Output button.

The names of the transfer files are displayed in the Files column. The transfer files are saved in a folder under the project. The save folder is defined in the settings.

Open Transfer Files

You can open the transfer files in the application associated with the file extension as follows:

  1. Select the panels as described above. Select Panels.

    The name of the transfer file is displayed in the Files field.

  2. Click the Open button.

Delete Transfer Files

You can delete transfer files as follows:

  1. Select the panels as described above. Select Panels.

    The name of the transfer file is displayed in the Files field.

  2. Click the Clear Output button.

Group Panels

Grouping panels included in the Weinmann add-on feature. By grouping, from two or more panels you can build one or several panels for the machining line, depending on the maximum length of the line.

  1. Select the panels as described above. Select Panels.
  2. Click the Grouping button. The group label is displayed in the Group column.


Click the Quit button to close the dialog box.

Controlling Production Line

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