
Wall Panel Settings

Select the structural layers, corner overlap type, label, viewing direction of the panel, panel break settings and other settings to be included in the wall panel in the dialog box. The panel break settings are relevant when the maximum length and default length of wall panels are defined to allow one wall to include several panels.


Structural Layers

Select the structural layers to be included in the wall panels. Only the geometry and parts of the selected structural layers are generated in the framing model. The geometry of the structural layers is generated in the framing model when you create the panel breaks. Parts will be created later using a different function.

A wall and a wall panel must always include one frame layer. There can be one or several nailer and sheathing layers on the inside and outside of the frame layer.

Corner Details

Select how the wall panels are cut in corners. Select one of the following:

Horizontal walls are the walls parallel to the x-axis in the floor plan drawing, and vertical walls are the walls parallel to the y-axis.

The default corner detail is defined in the WALLS keyword group with the keyword corner_overlap_mode.

Set Panel Label Using

The wall panel label consists of a prefix and a sequential number. The prefix can be read from the wall frame parameters or the user can define the prefix in a dialog box. Select either of the following:

Interior View

The default viewing direction of a front projection created in a wall panel drawing is from outside of the wall. The panel labels are added to the outside of the wall in a floor plan drawing. If you wish the viewing direction to be from inside the wall, select the Interior View checkbox. The panel labels are added to the inside of the wall in a floor plan drawing.

The Interior View checkbox is unselected by default if the WALLS keyword group includes the keyword inside_view = 0. If you wish the checkbox to be selected by default, set the keyword value to inside_view = 2.


Wall 1st Panel Length by

The setting is relevant when the maximum length and default length of wall panels are defined to allow one wall to include several panels. The default lengths are defined in the project parameters.

Select how the break point of the first panel of each wall is determined:

In the example figures, a corner detail included in the basic software delivery is used. The selected direction of the panel breaks is Clockwise.

Drawing-Model Pair

Select the drawing-model pair to which you wish to create the wall panel geometry. The default is Framing.

Wall 1st Panel Extra Length

The final length of the first wall panel is the default length + the length offset. You can define the length offset for held back and extended corners separately. Enter the desired value in the field. The value can be negative, in which case the length offset is deducted from the default length of the panel.

Panelization Direction

Select the direction in which to rotate the walls and add the panel break points. The panels are numbered in sequence according to the selected direction, if you select to panel all of the walls at the same time.

If you would like to add frame studs in the same direction, select the option Set Stud Rule According to Panelization. If the checkbox is empty, the stud rule defined in the framing tool of the frame is used (the studs begin from the right, left or middle).

Set Layer Thicknesses by Framing Rule Definitions

In conjunction with the creation of the wall panel breaks, the program checks the compatibility of the wall layers and the framing tools selected for them. If necessary, the program changes the layer thickness to suit the selected tool. If the setting is disabled, the program will only issue a warning but will not change the layer thickness.

Merge Compatible Furrings

This setting is significant if you have selected the layers Furring Strips and Double Furring (in the Basic tab) for the panel. If the siding is divided into sections (for example, vertical-horizontal-vertical), the program will also divide the furring layer and extra layer into matching sections. If the setting is enabled, the program will merge the extra layer pieces automatically, if they are compatible. The pieces are compatible when the same framing tools have been selected for them.

Alternatively, you can merge the extra layer parts in the model by processing the wall parts.

Merging a Wall Volume with a Wall Layer

Add Battens Behind Wall Trims

If the siding has been divided into sections by a trim, the setting will stretch the batten layer to reach under the siding trim as well. The program tries to stretch the layer according to the vertical siding. If the siding trim is located between vertical sidings, the batten layer of the lower siding will be stretched under the siding trim.

Shrink Battens by Air Gaps

When the setting is enabled, the air gap restricts the shape of the batten layer. The shape of the layer is determined by the intersection of the batten area formed based on the sidings and the air gap. This requires that the batten area and the air gap overlap each other at least 60 %.

Furring Strip Settings

Furring Strips

The settings can be selected when the Furring Strips layer is selected to be included in the wall panel. The layer can be either an air gap or layer for which no other horizontal batten or sub frame tool has been defined. If the siding is divided into sections (for example, vertical-horizontal-vertical), the program will also divide the batten layer into matching sections. Select one of the following as the direction for the battens:

Select the tool in the Framing Tools dialog box. You can edit the tool parameters after creating the panel breaks.

Framing Tools Dialog Box

Double Furring

The settings can be selected when the layer Double cladding battens is selected to be included in the wall panel. The extra layer is a layer behind the cladding battens. Select the direction and settings as you would for the cladding battens.

If the siding is divided into sections (for example, vertical-horizontal-vertical), the program will also divide the furring layer and extra layer into matching sections. If necessary, you can merge the extra layer parts in the model by processing the wall parts.

Merging a Wall Volume with a Wall Layer

Alternatively, you can check the Merge Compatible Furrings option in the Advanced tab to merge the parts of the double furring layer automatically if they are compatible. The pieces are compatible when the same framing tools have been selected for them.


Generate Wall Panel Breaks
Editing Keywords

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