
Framing Tools: Sheathing Methods in Library (floor and ceilings)

The tools for the sheathing layer (SHEAT, SHEATHING) of a floor or roof, or a floor or roof panel has been defined in the common sheathing methods library. Use the arrow keys to move from one row to another in the database view. The parameters define the sheet sizes, sheathing direction, alignment, etc. The following sheathing tools are included in the basic software delivery:

Sheathing Rules

Name, Description

Name and description of the tool.


The form file defines the parameters which will be shown to the user when editing the framing tool.


The overlap is set according to the selected tool. If necessary, you can change the overlap.

Sheet code

Select a sheet from the list. The sheathing library may contain several sheets with the same material code but a different size (width x height).

You can define one of the sheets as the default sheet to be used in horizontal structures. You can define the default sheets by editing the sheathing library with the function System Settings > Framing Libraries > Sheathing. Set the default sheet by selecting the value 1 in the Default field.

The parameters Advanced Sheet and Shape by Edges can be used with CLT sheets.


Determine the gap for the seams of the sheathing. Select either of the following:

Edge details can be used with CLT sheets.


The parameters can be used to set connection details for mounting boxes and HVAC punches.


Select the sheathing angle in relation to the frame layer framing from the list. For example, select the tool Staggered:


Select where to start sheathing in the X axis direction. For example, tool Staggered, Angle = 0, Layout direction = From bottom to top.

Layout direction

Select where to start sheathing in the Y axis direction. For example, tool Staggered, Angle = 0, Align = Left.


Defines if the sheets are added free shaped, with full length or with half length.


Can be used for adding labels for CLT sheets.

Framing Tools Dialog Box

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